Kelsey Raymond

Title: CEO, Influence & Co.

Company: Influence & Co.

Major: Marketing

Graduation Year:


Kelsey Raymond grew started Influence & Co. with two cofounders at age 22, and over the last twelve years has grown it to over 50 employees and 100+ clients. Kelsey has now bought out her two initial cofounders, brought on two new partners, and then sold the majority stake in the business in 2022 to a holding company called Intero Digital. Her experience lies mostly in content marketing and PR, building a great team with a healthy company culture, and learning from her many mistakes made. She helped organize and run Startup Weekend in Columbia for seven years, and has recently started angel investing in early stage startups.

Skillsets: Customer discovery, Marketing, SEO, Sales, Hiring, Culture, Operations, Growth

Industries: Enterprise software, SaaS, Fintech, Consumer tech, CPG, IT, Proptech, Legal tech, Construction